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Sunday, April 18, 2010

If I am Ip Man master, I would....

If iam Ip Man master, i will transform to yinyang master(阴阳师傅)to save this world..i wish to kill all bad people around the world..i use my martial art with "wing chun qi gong"永春气功 to teach these people a lesson..haha..
Who am i???

chiang....... chiang........is me.....yinyang master(阴阳师傅).

I can use my wing chun qi gong (永春气功)broke the chair into 2 pieces(将登劈开两边)..haha..

Besides that, i used my wing chun qi gong(永春气功)broke the mirror as well(将镜打爆)geng ler...wakaka..

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