It really transparent when put on my eyes. It stick to my eyes very well and can hydrate my eye area quite well. It claim can reduce dark circle and de puff eye area. Since it can cover whole eye area and it quite good for working and busy people for lazy do eye treatment. It quite convenient for working people to take care of eyes.
獨特的全罩式眼膜,給脆弱的眼部肌膚全面呵護,不由自主明亮起來、透出水潤光;精選兩大-德國默克&法國科寧成份亮白微膠囊分子、緊緻彈力因子、水嫩明亮微膠囊分子,達到深層修護,有效改善眼周細紋,輕鬆擁有鑽石眼。 ok。獨特木槳材質,能與肌膚100%服貼,有效成分能完整滲透到肌膚底層。 ◆獨特眼部Eyeliss™成分添加,搭配六胜肽、水解小麥蛋白,能緊實眼部肌膚,改善眼部鬆弛。 ◆添加玻尿酸、HMC明亮因子、綠茶萃取等,能保濕滋潤眼部肌膚,改善細紋及減緩皺紋的產生。 ◆專為嬌敏之眼周肌膚所使用的修護成份BIOPHYTEXLS8740,由假葉樹、七葉樹、積雪草、酵母菌屬真菌、金盞花及甘草五種植物性複合萃取精華而成,能夠強化肌膚,淡化眼周暗沉。 適合各種肌膚使用,特別推薦有細紋皺紋等困擾者使用。 *Eyeliss,能柔軟細緻嬌嫩的皮膚。*六胜肽:幫助肌膚維持彈性緊緻 *水解小麥蛋白:促進肌膚彈性緊實。 *綠茶萃取:改善鬆弛與減緩細紋皺紋產生。 |
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1.清潔肌膚後,將眼膜從袋中取出,避開眼睛敷於眼部周圍肌膚,再調整讓眼膜與眼周肌膚完全貼合。 2.約10-15分鐘後取下,不需沖洗,可輕輕用指腹輕彈幫助剩餘精華液吸收。 3.建議每週使用1-3次。 4.用後立刻丟棄眼膜,切勿重複使用。 |
Instant Lift & Whitening Eye Mask
The innovative cutting of eye mask can get you dramatically refreshed,radiant eyes.It will brighten,de-puff,and hydrate all skin around eyes and designed to visibly improve fine lines in 15 minutes flat.
Use after cleansing skin.Position the mask around eye area.Leave on for 15 minutes, then peel off.Smooth any remaining emulsion into skin with a light massage motion.As an intensive treatment, use 2-3 times a week as needed.
Size:8ml/5pcs RM39.90